The EA School Online has a Two-tier Certification Program. Students who have completed the first three modules can take the exam certifying for evolutionary astrologer (Exam 1).
Students who have completed all four modules can take the exam certifying for therapeutic evolutionary astrologer (Exam 2).
REQUIREMENTS FOR EXAM 1 (Evolutionary astrologer) – 350$
1. One chart analysis consisting of Evolutionary Axis (Pluto, SN of the Moon, SN ruler, PPP, NN of the Moon, NN ruler, skipped step(s), Uranus as trauma indicator), including an interpretation of the Orbital Moon Dynamics.
2. Determining Planetary Function for: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus & Neptune.
3. Analysis of seven major aspects in the chart and two major aspect configurations, highlighting why you think the soul chose to have these
4. Pre-consultation interview with the teacher during which the student highlights the preparatory work done under the first three points.
5. Audio or video recording of the consultation with the client whose chart was prepared.
6. Post-consultation interview with the teacher to assess the consultation done.
7. Evolutionary transits & secondary progressions for an important period in the client’s life (either prior to consultation or following it), to be handed in after consultation with them has taken place.
REQUIREMENTS FOR EXAM 2 (Therapeutic evolutionary astrologer) – 450$
Having shared with the group the particulars (Preparation of therapy, chart analysis using EA principles as taught in Modules 1-3, history taking, initial assessment of the presenting issue, symptoms, possible use of medication, mapping the effect of the presenting issue on one or more areas of the client’s life, video recordings of all sessions conducted, etc.) of one or more case studies.
Having used in these sessions to the satisfaction of the trainer the therapeutic principles and techniques as taught during the Module 4 training.
Having read all of the compulsory literature.
Presenting one case study, comprised of seven one-hour sessions with a client, in the video recordings of which the student demonstrates the correct and successful (understood as measured progress, and to the satisfaction of the trainer) application of the therapeutic principles and techniques as taught and practised during the Module 4 training.