The EA School Online offers four modules which correspond with its Two-tier Certification Program.
Modules 1 to 3 prepare for certification as Evolutionary Astrologer
Module 1: Basic Principles & Evolutionary Axis
Module 2: Working Therapeutically with the Moon and its Nodes, Evolutionary Axis: Special Placements, Determining Planetary Function (part 1)
Module 3: Determining Planetary Function (part 2), Understanding Aspects Evolutionary, the Evolutionary Potential of Transits & Progressions
Module 4 prepares for certification as Therapeutic Evolutionary Astrologer
Before we move on to a breakdown of each module, it is important to note that the school´s certification program does not aim to help you individuate, assist you in your personal growth, help you self-realize, self-actualize of self-express. Its aim is to train and prepare you to work professionally as a (therapeutic) evolutionary astrologer. Although delving deep into EA may and almost certainly will help you in your personal growth, the objective of this school is to hand you the astrological and therapeutic tools to assist clients.
Breakdown of Modules
In this first Module we start off by exploring the philosophical and metaphysical underpinnings of EA. The terms Source, Soul and Ego are defined and a model is presented that explores how the three might be related in terms of the Evolution of Consciousness.

The charts of Charles, Prince of Wales, Lance Armstrong and Vincent Van Gogh are used to show and practice how the Evolutionary Axis as the foundation of EA chart analysis is set up. I take you through this very sowly and methodically, so that you don’t miss a single step. Setting up the Evolutionary Axis for many budding evolutionary astrologers turns out the most difficult part of EA, so it is vital that you be on firm ground when these initial steps are taken. The final two chapters of this first module are dedicated to skipped steps (chapter 4) and the Uranus placement (chapter 5), with the latter indicative of memories of traumatic events carried over from prior lifetimes to the current one. Much attention is paid to how to integrate skipped steps and the Uranus placement into your findings of the Evolutionary Axis, so that one coherent whole emerge.
In the chapter on Uranus the model of the Multidimensional Psyche is presented and explained, using the work of Roger Woolger and Stanislav Grof. Already in this first module you are handed important therapeutic tools that will stand you in good stead when working with clients. Upon completion of this first module, you will have the interpretative skills in place that will allow you insight into the soul´s deepest drives and how they interlock with the Life Lived by the person: your client.

The teaching on the Moon and its nodes will hand you a most powerful therapeutic tool since your client´s problems and predicaments will invariably be related to the resistance the Moon (i.e. your client) feels between the comfort of the known (south node of the Moon) and the challenge, unsafety and unchartered waters of the unknown (north node of the Moon).
The second part of this module looks at special placements you might run into when conducting an analysis of the Evolutionary Axis. These are: Pluto conjunct the north node (NN) of the Moon, planets conjunct the NN of the Moon, Pluto conjunct the south node (SN) of the Moon, planets conjunct the SN of the Moon, planets conjunct the NN ruler, planets conjunct the SN ruler, the NN ruler conjunct the SN, the SN ruler conjunct the NN, the NN ruler conjunct the SN and the SN ruler conjunct the NN, the NN ruler is a skipped step, the SN ruler is a skipped step, the SN ruler conjunct the NN ruler, etc.
There is a special chapter on how to interpret paradoxical Pluto placements (f.e. Yoko Ono´s Pluto 10th house Cancer, David Koresch´s Pluto 12th house Virgo etc.) and paradoxical Nodal Axes (f.e. Richard Nixon´s SN 1st house Libra and NN 7th house Aries, David Koresch´s SN 7th house Aries and NN 1st house Libra, etc.). Additionally, an entire chapter looks at how to distinguish and put into words Pluto placements that use the same archetypes (f.e. Josef Mengele´s Pluto in the 12th house Gemini versus Charles Darwin´s Pluto in the 3rd house Pisces, Carl Jung´s Pluto in the 3rd house Taurus versus Greta Garbo´s Pluto in the 2nd house Gemini).
In the third part of this module we turn our attention to Determining Planetary Function. Why has the soul deemed it necessary to have a planet in a certain house and sign? What is the specific contribution that planet makes to soul evolution?
Why is Richard Nixon´s Saturn in the 9th house Taurus? Translated to English: why is it so important to a soul wishing to evolve to the 4th house Sagittarius (emotional honesty) that the particular consciousness it uses to get there is structured in such a way as to consolidate (Taurus) truthfulness (9th house)? And, what is the effect this intended grounding of truthfulness has on his fifth house, which it rules? What influence is that Saturn wielding over his Sun as the integrative principle around which everything revolves in his life, i.e. to bring integrity (Capricorn) to his leadership (5th house)? Does Saturn´s rulership of the 5th house mean that its influence is extended to Uranus in Aquarius there, i.e. the trauma to that leadership when service to the greater whole is not understood (Uranus ruling the 6th house)?
I hope you are beginning to get a feel for the kinds of questions that arise when a planet’s evolutionary function has been determined. This is the kind of approach you can expect in this second module.

Another example: why is it so important to Agatha Christie´s Pluto-NN conjunction in the 10th house Gemini that her Venus be in the 3rd house Scorpio? Translated to English: why is it essential to a soul buoying up Christie (Pluto conjunct the north node of the Moon) in her efforts to gain notoriety in the world (10th house) as a writer (Gemini) that Agatha´s prime relationship (Venus) be with her deep commitment (Scorpio) to the written word (3rd house)? And, what is the effect of that Venus on the 10th house of career, which it rules?

This is the kind of analysis we will undertake for each of the planets in a given chart. Of which there will be many, not just the ones I present Online but, more importantly still, the ones you bring to our Zoom Virtual Classroom to go through and practice together.
At the end of Module 2 you will have
a thorough understanding of where the soul is coming from and wishes to evolve towards and how this interlocks with evolution on the level of the Moon (i.e. your client)
a thorough understanding of evolutionary blocks (skipped steps) that have impeded the movement from the south node of the Moon to the north node of the Moon and how these have affected soul evolution, prompting the soul to bring these unresolved issues into the current life in an attempt to solve them
a thorough understanding of memories of events which were experienced as traumatic by prior-life selves (Uranus) and how these are carried over into the current life by the soul in an attempt to go beyond them
a thorough understanding of how the specific trauma you are looking at and its reenactment in the current-life (of your client) serves the soul´s purposes. You will be able to formulate an answer to the question: “how does this kind of trauma contribute to the soul getting to where it seeks to evolve towards?
a thorough understanding of how the Moon by house and sign is constantly challenged to come up with an apt response to the tension between her own south node (the known) and her own north node (the unknown) and how this new response contributes to soul evolution.
acquired the skill to relate the Moon´s response back to one or more problems your client brings to the consultation table.
acquired the skill of how to interpret special placements found on the Evolutionary Axis
a thorough understanding of why the soul has deemed it important to have a certain planet in a certain house and sign.
Since it is so important in EA chart analysis, the first part of this third module offers more opportunity to practice determining planetary function. The chapter opens with a comparative study of Chiron in Taurus in four different charts (i.e. Edward Snowden, Nina Simone, Lewis Carroll and Anders Breivik), showing how it has a totally different function in each. Using the charts of Richard Nixon, Edward Snowden, Nina Simone and Jaycee Lee Dugard, in subsequent lessons I show you how to determine planetary function. The charts discussed in this part also serve as an overhaul of all the work done so far. For two of them, i.e. Richard Nixon & Nina Simone, you can find a full written analysis in my second book CHIRON: TRAUMA KEY.
More practice is offered in setting up the Evolutionary Axis, how to put into words the resistance the Moon feels between the familiar of its own past (south node) and the unchartered waters of its north node, and its response to that resistance (and how to recognize it when working with clients), how to interpret special placements you might encounter as you go through your analysis of the Evolutionary Axis, etc.

In the second part of this module we turn our attention to Aspects and how to interpret them. Aspects in Therapeutic Evolutionary astrology are interpreted by answering the following question: how would the particular dialogue between these two planets (i.e. the aspect) contribute to soul growth?
After an introductory chapter on how Therapeutic Evolutionary Astrology views aspects, the charts of Richard Nixon, Edward Snowden, Nina Simone and Jaycee Lee Dugard are used to delve into Aspect Analysis well and proper. The notoion of ‘easy ‘ and ‘hard’ aspects is done away with as we discover that all aspects (and aspect patterns like the Yod, Grand Square, T-square, etc.) have the potential of making a specific contribution to soul evolution.
In the second part of this module we will discover how the original evolutionary imprint of a planet – which we established determining its function in chapter 1– at a certain point in time makes its influence felt in a certain area of a person´s life. This certain point in time can be via transits or via secondary progressions (primary directions and solar arcs will not be looked at since the EA reasoning is the same and these techniques can be learned elsewhere. There are many teachers – better equipped than I am in these matters – who offer courses on these and other predictive techniques)
Upon completion of Module 3 you will have
acquired the skill to interpret and give words to the conversation going on between two planets (i.e. the aspect) or between more than two planets (f.e. a Yod, a Grand Square, a Grand Trine, etc.)
a thorough understanding of how the aspect (trine, square, inconjunct) or aspect configuration (Yod, Grand Square, Grand Trine, etc.) contributes to the soul´s evolutionary intentions for the current life.
acquired the skill to put into words how the original intent of a planet (established through determining planetary function) affects a natal planet or point (a lunar node, for example) it visits via transit and what evolutionary possibilities the meeting of the two opens up.
acquired the skill to put into words how the original intent of a planet (established through determining planetary function) affects a natal planet or point (a lunar node, for example) via secondary progression and what particular evolutionary possibilities arise from the meeting between the two.
acquired the skill to interpret the subtle interplay between transits and secondary progressions and the energetic field it creates in terms of evolutionary opportunity.
acquired the skill to interpret retrograde planets and know why the soul chose their retrogradation (the soul has specific reasons for having a planet retrograde. Generalized statements about retrograde planets do not apply)
With the tool kit offered in these first three modules you will have a unique set of EA skills, allowing you to work with clients.
Certification Exam Evolutionary Astrologer ($350) – See Main Menu > School > Certification for specifics.
Information made available to students who have passed Exam 1 (Evolutionary astrologer)
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